Monday, May 17, 2010

Demi Lovato Talks Joe Jonas Relationship

Demi Lovato spilled to Us Magazine: 'Every time that I've started to date someone, I've had private relationships, and there's just so much stress trying to hide it and keep it quiet, that if you just come out and say. 'Ok, we're together,' you don't have to worry about keeping it such a secret.

It was not only scary coming out to the public eye, but also the people who we work with, the people who are going to be on tour with us all summer, who are obviously nervous, because you never know what can happen. But, I think ultimately, everyone who knows us knows that we'll always be best friends, no matter what happens. We've always had an incredible bond, an incredible

..friendship. He knows me better than I know myself, and I know him better than he knows himself. There's been so many times where if it wasn't for our fans, I don't know if we'd be together, because they've opened up my eyes to seeing, because I thought I was the only one who had a crush. And then I would see Jemi videos online, and feel like, 'Oh my gosh! Maybe there is something.''